Eduardo Vallejo gives workshops so that those people who are not involved in dance performance or dance professionals can not only get closer to his creative work or generate community, but also learn more about his research Movimiento Dactilar.

This premise in which Eduardo has been researching for years and that becomes the creative premise of the author is an anthropological and cognitive-behavioral analysis of movement and how this can be a revealing factor to find creative and performative tools as well as to know ourselves better and help us to interact with others.

In this way, in the workshops, apart from studying the characteristic movement of the company that comes from the author’s training in martial arts and in classical and contemporary dance, we will be able to approach the worlds and narratives that Ogmia develops and communicates on stage.

Centers where we have held residencies or workshops:

Compañía Nacional de Danza de España (2022, 2019),IVC, Espai LaGranja & Proyecto GoOD (2022),Teatro del Bosque (2021, 2020, 2019), Centro Cultural Antiguo Instituto Jovellanos, Danza Xixón (2021), Festival Danza en la Villa de Madrid (2021), Centro Coreográfico María Pagés (2021), África Guzmán Dance Proyect (2021), Laboratorio Danza 180º (2021), Programa Think Big de Staatsballet Hannover y Tanztheater International (2021), Sede Compañía LOSDEADE (2020), Centro Cultural Eduardo Úrculo (2020), Centro Coreográfico Canal (2019), Elephant in the Black Box (2019), Centro Cultural Conde Duque (2019).

– Workshops Info –

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