Premiere: 20 Sep 2020 - Teatro Arniches

Abril en Danza 2020 - Alicante

Doppelgänger is a short piece created by Eduardo Vallejo Pinto that narrates the nostalgia of a young woman and how she questions herself every day while having a conversation with her most intimate self in the solitude of her room.

Doppelgänger is part of a research process that continues with the analysis of the conceptual cognitive part of the human being. From his studies, the creator asks himself the following questions: How is the movement of individuals affected according to their psyche, their personal relationships, their experiences? Does gender define movement? Does our social environment condition the way we move? Are the fractures and breaks in the personal history of the individual visible in his movement and body language?



Direction, Concept and Choreography Eduardo Vallejo Pinto
Dramaturgy Eduardo Vallejo Pinto
Performers Yaiza Caro and Eduardo Vallejo Pinto
Text and Voice Over Yaiza Caro
Sound Space Rafael Caro
Stage Photography Germán Antón
Production Batbox Productions
Duration 12 min

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