Premiere: 20 Oct 2021 - Teatro Pérez Galdós

MASDANZA, The International Contemporary Dance Festival of the Canary Islands

Time X is a piece that aims to show the change of moral course that can occur in an individual who is critical of himself through empathy.

The main character is part of a society so deeply corrupt that everyone in it accepts the prevailing dogma without questioning their actions in the slightest, despite being affected themselves.

When an endogenous element in this society produces a change in the environment, the main character gradually begins to realize the extent to which she has been subdued and alibied by the practice of covert violence.

As she tries to impose herself on the situation, all those around her try to keep her in the cycle of abuses they know, thanks to the progressive self-knowledge and seeing her own pain reflected in other weaker ones, she detaches herself from that society, becoming a marginalized but free being, with control over his body and his life.



Direction, Concept and Choreography Eduardo Vallejo Pinto
Performer Michela Lanteri
Dramaturgy Eduardo Vallejo Pinto
Original Music and Sound Space Iván Solano
Production Batbox Productions
Photography Jesús Robisco
Duration 12 min

MASDANZA 2021 International Festival, Best Solo Audience Award – La Gomera Residence Award – International Festival of Dance Theatre ZAWIROWANIA 2021 – Guest Performance at the Final Gala – Laboratorio de las Artes de Valladolid (LAVA) – Patio Herreriano Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Español de Valladolid and Festival Miradas en Danza de Guadalajara – International Choreographic Platform – Quinzena de Dança de Almada – Festival Danza Xixón – Festival Traslación.

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